What is an AFC home?

The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs in Michigan grants licensing to Adult Foster Care homes which often go by the acronym AFC.  In other states these types of homes have different names.  

An AFC home is a private residence licensed to provide care for adults.  The level of care is tailored to the individual for personal care and supervision.  All homes are staffed 24 hours a day.  AFC homes work closely with several government agencies

Are Enriched Living homes licensed?


What age do you need to be to live in an AFC home?

All adults 18 or older can inquire about placement.  There is no maximum age for staying in an AFC home.

How are medications distributed?

Enriched Living works with a pharmacy that delivers medications to the home.  All medications are carefully logged and all staff are fully trained on medication passing.  Medications are reviewed by highly trained staff, management and physicians regularly.

The term “foster care” scares me as a family member, will I still be able to see my family member?

The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs in Michigan grants licensing to Adult Foster Care homes which often go by the acronym AFC.  In other states these types of homes have different names.  

An AFC home is a private residence licensed to provide care for adults.  The level of care is tailored to the individual for personal care and supervision.  All homes are staffed 24 hours a day.  AFC homes work closely with several government agencies

How much does it cost to live in an AFC home in Michigan?

The cost varies depending on level of care.  Cost depends on current income and the daily rate 

that the county establishes for care.  Anyone interested in placement should first reach out to the county they live in to be evaluated for their daily rate.

Does Medicaid or Medicare pay for my stay?


Do I need to have Medicaid or Medicare in order to move in to an AFC?

Enriched Living does not require you to have Medicaid or Medicare however the county care networks may require you to have that determination.  Please contact your country care network.

I don’t have Social Security what can I do?

Every person’s situation is unique and different.  There is an evaluation process you first must have with your doctor and possibly your family to see if Social Security is something you need and if a group living situation is right for you.  If your needs become that you are applying for Social Security you would visit your local Social Security office.  While you await Social Security's determination you can contact your local Department of Health and Human Services office to review services that may be available to you. Inquire about Medicaid as well as State Disability Assistance. This program--if eligible and found to be eligible for State disability can cover AFC costs as well as a monthly stipend. As you await both decision you will also want to be in contact with county care networks to discuss options. 

If you have other forms of income and would like to discuss private pay you can contact our office at 616-647-5388

Are employees required to have criminal background checks?


Are your homes co-ed?

At this time Enriched Living has one co-ed home, two female only homes and one male only home.  Our partner company Barso Acres also has a co-ed senior home.

Where are your homes located?

One home is located in Howard City. Two homes are located in Walker.  One home is located in Rockford.  For more information please see our homes page.

Can I continue to go to my place of employment and/or day program?

Every person’s situation is unique and different.  There is an evaluation process you first must have with your doctor and possibly your family to see if Social Security is something you need and if a group living situation is right for you.  If your needs become that you are applying for Social Security you would visit your local Social Security office.  While you await Social Security's determination you can contact your local Department of Health and Human Services office to review services that may be available to you. Inquire about Medicaid as well as State Disability Assistance. This program--if eligible and found to be eligible for State disability can cover AFC costs as well as a monthly stipend. As you await both decision you will also want to be in contact with county care networks to discuss options. 

If you have other forms of income and would like to discuss private pay you can contact our office at 616-647-5388

There are a lot of AFC homes, what makes Enriched Living different?

Enriched Living was founded in 2017 with the mission to make premium care accessible to all.  Our warm homes are in safe neighborhoods and welcoming communities.  We love West Michigan and get out and about regularly–volunteering, participating in events and having fun! By having a group of homes we have the unique opportunity to provide socializing between the homes as well as being able to tailor our homes to different living experiences.  

How does the wait list work?

The wait list is not first come first serve.  Because each of our homes are customized to suit the needs of certain individuals we may not always have an opening for everyone.  For example, the opening may be specific for a female with high medical needs only.  

When you complete the online placement  form our Residential Director will reach out to you shortly after and discuss you or your loved ones needs and help you get a better feel for what Enriched Living has to offer and what the timeline looks like.  Our Residential Director then will have a better feel for which home you may be waiting for a spot to open at and share that information with you.

Is Enriched Living a non-profit?

One home is located in Howard City. Two homes are located in Walker.  One home is located in Rockford.  For more information please see our homes page.

Where do donations go?

All donations go directly to our residents for help in paying for their basic needs and necessities (clothing, food, medical supplies), extra curricular activities and transportation costs (including saving for a wheelchair accessible van).